Our New Renaissance Zeen

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Term two has begun and we are starting Unit 2. Today, everyone was assigned the title page and all that needs to be done is block lettering for "High Middle Ages" and a 2.5 cm border around the page (letters and border coloured, please).  We'll add in images as we go through the unit.

Tomorrow, we will be acting out scenes from the Bayeux Tapestry which, as a primary source, chronicled the Battle of Hastings in 1066 and saw William the Conqueror take the throne of England. This covers two of the prescribed learning outcomes in Social Studies 8:

  •     interpret and evaluate a variety of primary and secondary sources
  • plan, revise and deliver an oral presentation
Things we're looking forward to:
  •    building a trebuchet?  (We need parent help for this one!!!)
  •    Medieval fair at end of Term 2. Costumes, food, games in celebration of all we've learned!

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