Our New Renaissance Zeen

Friday, October 19, 2012

We're starting to really dig into life in the middle and late middle ages. By now, you have read at least 5-10 pages of the book you signed out. (I hope you remembered to bring it home.) and you are going to be reading a fair amount and completing questions and creating a comparison organizer to look at the three types of medieval courts. (page 59 #1 in the yellow box). I promised you a video tutorial on how to create a chart using a text document program. I've used Open Office in the video, but you can use Word, if that's what you have at home. If you've got a new version of Word that saves documents as a ".docx", please do a "Save As" and save it as an older version of Word, so the file extension will be ".doc" instead. Our system here doesn't seem to like "docx" and I have a lot of trouble opening them in Open Office.
*Parents - our school system uses open source software because it's free. Open Office is free to download and is as good an Office suite type program as Microsoft's product. Please consider downloading it, as your teen will be using it at school for the next few years.

Here's the video tutorial. It's a .swf (Flash) format, so please make sure you have Shockwave Flash on your computer, so you can watch it.

Make a chart tutorial ss8

Homework:  #4 & #7 on p. 54 (started in class & demonstration given)
                     Read pages 54-56 & complete #1 in Activities on p. 56
                     Read pages 56-59. Complete #1 (Comparison Organizer) & #3 & #5 Activities p.59
Have a great weekend!

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