Our New Renaissance Zeen

Friday, October 26, 2012

Overview & Review Time - High Middle Ages

Dance of Death - Nuremberg: Google Image search

Death, Halloween and the Middle Ages: a lot of our Halloween ideas come from the Middle Ages - skeletons from the times of plague, a gruesome afterlife for sinners, spirits walking the earth (Celtic traditions carried on in Christianity), witches (Celtic wise women) and of course the day Halloween coming from the phrase All Hallow's Eve (the day before the Christian holy day of All Saints (or All Hallows) when the people who have died are remembered and prayed for. Christians took over this holiday from the Irish Gaelic festival of Samhain.

Homework for the next while:
   Check over Overview handout given today in class (I'll scan and have a link to it in Jupiter grades for students who were absent.) Start work on writing definitions for important terms in your own words, particularly for the phrases you don't know/remember.

Major assignment: One pager biography which will be used for Jeopardy: Medieval Style game.

Choose one famous Medieval person from the following list. You will make a one page computer document that has one cited image of your person and five important facts about that person. These facts and images will be used to create a Jeopardy game we will play during the week of Nov. 5-9. Spelling & citations will be very important. Due date: November 2 (Friday morning, first class!)

Monday and Friday of next week, please remember to bring a donation for the Food bank! We want to beat the grade 12's in this cross grade challenge!! I'll provide a snack style breakfast both days. Yogurt, granola bars, hot chocolate - no bacon or quiches :)
Report cards will be coming out at the end of November, so we are in the final stretch of Term 1. Please make sure that you are all caught up on assignments and can demonstrate skills and understanding of over-arching questions.

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