Our New Renaissance Zeen

Friday, November 23, 2012

Medieval City Projects complete

I have to say how impressed I was today with the presentations on Medieval Cities! Each group's style was unique and had its own strengths and weaknesses. Overall, though, the quality was better than I've seen from presentations given by students in grade 10. I'll mark the bias work and the individual written work over the weekend, but every group was able to earn 3 out of 4 on the rubric - meeting or exceeding standards in three different categories of evaluation. Students were also thoughtful and reflective in assessing their own work and the work of the other groups. I'm really looking forward to the projects we will do on the Renaissance after the Christmas holidays!

Next week we'll begin working on Knights, Castles and the code of chivalry, and we'll take one more look at the impact of the plague (Black Death) on medieval society in Europe before we wrap up our studies on the Middle Ages. There is no homework this weekend except to finish up any uncompleted work from Term 1 and any incomplete work from the start of Term 2.

Have a good weekend!

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