Our New Renaissance Zeen

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Late Middle Ages

Economics of the Middle Ages Lesson

Today we tried out a new piece of technology in an app called Notability. I'm hoping the link above will work as I was recording the audio of the lesson I was teaching while giving examples of how to do flow charts showing different economic systems.

Homework tonight is to read pages 149-152 about trade and the development of towns, in preparation for finishing the last flow chart in class tomorrow.  We've begun our 4th unit, focusing on the late Middle Ages. The finished title page from our last unit (added images) will be due on Friday and the start of the new title page will be due at the same time (title words and frame only).

Report cards will be coming out soon,  so please make sure you're all caught up. I'll be giving my marks and comments to the office on Tuesday, November 13th in the morning.

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