Our New Renaissance Zeen

Friday, September 14, 2012

Geography Unit 1- Done!

What a great day for geocaching as a wrap up to our first unit- Geography!
Thanks to Mrs. Read & Mr. Blackmore for bringing their GPS units and helping us find treasure here at school.  Almost everyone handed their map project in on time and I'll be taking photos of the maps and posting them as a slide presentation over the weekend. Check back on Sunday evening. If you finished the Europe Map worksheets, you have no homework!!

Monday is the start of Unit 2: The Three Main Religions
We will be looking at what the core beliefs and customs of these religions are and how the early relationships between these faiths impacted not only the Middle Ages (that will be the main focus), but continue to impact the world today. It's amazing to think that the poor relationship between Christianity and Islam, that started in the Middle Ages, continues to haunt our world today. The news from the Middle East about the riots and attacks on American embassies because of an anti-Islamic video is evidence that ignorance continues to cause problems between faith groups.

We're also going to look at what everyday life was like as Europe changed from being ruled by the Roman empire to a time of changing borders, tribes and rulers.

Enjoy your weekend & I'll see you in last class on Monday! Don't forget Monday is photo day - look your best!

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