Our New Renaissance Zeen

Monday, September 3, 2012

Course introduction

Gode Dai! (Hello in Middle English)

Welcome to my Socials 8 Blog! There will be useful information and course related assignments posted here, as well as links to our class wiki, surveys, videos and other things we create together. On the first day of class you will receive a course outline. This introduction is a short version of the key information you received then. It should be in the front of your course binder. The focus of Social Studies in grade 8 is on World Civilizations from approximately 500 C.E. to 1600 C.E.  In European history this covers the time period from the fall of Roman Civilization to the start of the Reformation. We will also explore Chinese civilization, Arabian Civilization and Indian Civilization in these time periods.

You can expect to learn how to debate (or argue) in a formal way, more mapping skills (including looking at GPS), and more research skills. These are all things you will use for the rest of your life - very practical stuff!
You'll also learn some problem solving strategies, how to work in groups successfully, organization strategies and some skills to analyze information so that you aren't fooled by bogus websites, news stories or gossip.

You are going to write, create, talk, take photos, make presentations and present to your classmates and the world!

We're going to look at big questions.
  • Why do civilizations end?
  • What drives exploration?
  • What happens when civilizations end?
  • How did different civilizations before ours contribute to ours today?
  • What lessons can we learn from past civilizations? 
  • Are we headed for the end of our civilization sometime soon?

I expect you to be on time (in your seat before the bell goes) with all the things you'll need (pencil, pen, coloured pencils or markers, eraser, lined & unlined paper & textbook). I expect you to be respectful listeners for both me and your classmates. I expect you to complete homework assignments (which I'll try to keep manageable and minimal). In return, I will do my best to ensure that I provide learning experiences which are engaging and meaningful, to involve you in the assessment process and to be fair, and to communicate clearly (with you and your parents/guardians).

You will have opportunities to have input into class assessments, but you will also be responsible for doing your best. You earn your grade, I don't give it to you.

Evaluation:  Your work will be evaluated in the following way:

     Assignments, minor projects, quizzes, discussion participation                            50%
     Major projects, tests                                                                                        50%
 Accountability: There will not be re-tests. If you miss a test or an assignment deadline, you will be given an alternate (probably harder) assignment to assess your learning. You may be required to stay in during break/lunch to complete missing work.  The more work you miss, or don't finish, the harder it is to learn and demonstrate what you've learned. Several missed assignments means a phone call to parents and possibly Academic Intervention. If your parents choose to have a vacation during the semester, you will be responsible for catching up on what you've missed. I do not give out assignments or tests in advance, in order to be fair to everyone in the evaluation process.

If you have any questions outside of class time, you can find me in the library, email me at cmcvittie@sd73.bc.ca, or leave comments on the blog. I will have regular online tutoring/"office" hours during the week, but will announce those in mid-September, once my own children and family have settled into their school routines and I'll know what time and which evenings will work best for me (and them).

NOW,  check out your first assignment:  Take this Google Docs survey about yourself


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